Saturday, January 1, 2011

Don't Tell Me What To Do

I have never made a New Year’s resolution to myself, or anyone for that matter but I thought I would set some goals for myself this year.
·                                          Goal 1 – I want to eat healthier and shed a few pounds. Main goal is to just eat healthier more colorful meals because it is suppose to make you feel better, have more energy, and just over all be happier and healthier. I think doing this will also make it easier for me to work out. This is the only body I will ever get and I need to start taking care of it. Now this doesn’t mean I am boycotting brownies or any nonsense like that because I love food and I refuse to deprive myself of it.
·                                           Goal 2 – Be more positive and less bitchy. I am generally a very positive person and let very few things get me down however, I am slowly realizing I expect too much from people. I am by far my worst critic and sometimes I let that flow on to others. I really want to work on this.
·                                          Goal 3 – Be a better house keeper. I am not a total slob but I am not a neat freak either. I have a tendency to always find something else to do and avoid housework yet I hate a messy house.
·                                         Goal 4 – Be a better mother. I want to be more active with my child, go on field trips with her and have a lunch a few times with her at school. She is the most important person in my life and I want to be the best I can for her.
·                                        Goal 5 – Find a way to have more energy and be more productive. I don’t want to be like most people I know and not ever really do anything. I want to take my dogs out to the river and play tag with my daughter. Enjoy the wonderful weather ahead and play in the rain. I want to enjoy my life, not spend my life glued to my laptop or television set. I love my couch but I don’t want permanent ass imprints on it because I never leave it.
·                                    Goal 6 – Final goal has to do with my new career choice. I recently decided to try out the real estate world. I am currently taking a course to get my licenses before my college semester starts back up. I have a huge fear of failure in anything that I do, so naturally that fear is present in this situation. My goal is to give it my all and succeed. I chose to try this career field out because I am a mom and a college student; this allows me to have time for those things. At my previous job at the foot clinic I was there 9+ hours a day and it seemed like that was more my home that my home was. I felt like I never got to see my beautiful little girl or spend time with my 2 dogs.

And that’s them. These are the things I want to do because I feel they will make me a better person and be able to thoroughly enjoy my life more.  


  1. Those are some great goals! Your daughter is adorable and those dogs I could just squeeze they are so cute. ;)

  2. Your daughter is adorable! All of your goals are easily attainable and I wish you the best of luck in getting there! I'm on a self-improvement kick myself for this new year.

  3. Thanks ladies! She is def my pride and joy =)

  4. I think I need to make all of these my resolutions, too. And not just because we share a brain, but because I need to! Well, except for the better mom part, I'm exempt. :) And I want your dogs. Ship them here when you send me A. ;)

  5. A you can have, the dogs not so much lol =) O and I decided you have to move closer, like now or yesterday (either way super quick like)

  6. I love your resolutions and really identify with a lot of them, but I think you should know that it shines through from talking with you online just how wonderful of a mom you are. It's obvious how much you put your daughter first in everything you do, and I really admire what a strong role model you are for her. :)

  7. Aw! Thanks Anni so much, that really means a lot!!
